Due Date

I have been awful. Yes I have been absolutely awful at updating lately. Since school started again your priorities change a bit and therefore I have not been able to devote so much time into doing things for my blog as I normally would have. But I hope I can find a rhythm soon again. To have some fun I decided to watch a comedy movie from 2010.

The story is about two insanely different men who after an incident on a plane find themselves on a road trip to make it home together. But will they survive each others company?

I did not expect this. I mean Robert Downey JR is in the movie! I had expected some kind of entertainment. But then, just as I thought this movie was going to be the most boring comedy ever made something happened. It happened so fast. The movie went from more boring than watching paint dry to a fight where I had a hard time keeping my eyes open because I was laughing so much. After that funny moment I felt that the movie never really exceeded from there, but it was now a very enjoyable film. It was entertaining and in the end I had to love it despite the very rocky start.

The plot is sort of perfect for a typical summer movie and it was a great way for me to say goodbye to this summer. The characters give the movie some originality and they are one of the key elements to why I ended up liking the movie. I even liked the ending, which was surprising considering the rollercoaster it had been for me. But the ending was simple yet pleasant. It may not been the best comedy I have seen but if you still have a hard time to say goodbye to summer, this will be perfect for you. 8 / 10

Orange Is the New Black

After tones of commercials I finally gave in and decided to watch the TV show. I made the right decision and this comedy and drama show is absolutely fantastic.

We meet Chapman who has been sentenced to prison. We get to follow her life from inside the prison which is nothing like normal life. We also get to see flashbacks of how the convicts’ lives were before they ended up in the institution.

This was genius. Pure originality and I have never seen anything like it. The plot is amazing and the layout with having only thirteen episodes is great. It is a good concept since it’s enough time to figure out if you like the show and not to long for the show to become dull. The characters are incredible and the acting is really good.

The only bad things about the show is that I did not find it extremely entertaining. It is a lot of fun but I don’t exactly burst into a laughter fit every ten minutes when I watch it. The other bad thing is the flashbacks. It is interesting to see but at times I thought it was a bit too much and during the first episodes I found them slightly confusing. Either way this is a show that makes you immerse in it from the start and I will look forward to the second season. 9 / 10

Theme Park World

Lately I have been in a nostalgic mode and therefore I have been playing some classic games. This one from 1999. It’s available on PlayStation 1, 2, PC and Mac. This is the ultimate game for kids ever made and playing it as an adult is fun, at least for an hour or two.

In the game you build your own theme park after different themes, like Halloween, Space and Wonderland. To get access to some of these parks you must win keys and collect golden tickets. The keys unlock a new level and the tickets can be used to buy special rides. With the help of an assistant you will hope to run a successful park, or it will all crash and you will go into bankruptcy.

This game was marvelous in the old days and it was everything a kid could dream of. Considering it’s age I think the game holds up fairly well even today. It can still be plays on your old PS1 or 2 and it works at least on the future versions of Windows. It looks good and the gameplay and atmosphere is perfect for kids. I would still say that this game can still be a six year olds dream even in 2013. But how is it for an adult?

I would say that it doesn’t quite succeed in being as fun there. Why? It is simply because we are to smart. The game gets repetitive and while it is great for kids it is just annoying for an adult. Some of those features can be turned off but that does not increase the playability by far. It does get boring after a an hour or two. So it is a fun nostalgic experience for a while before you never want to see the game ever again. It is also not challenging at all as a grown up and like I said, you are too smart and the game can be completed in a few hours.

Still I will judge this game through a kid’s eyes. If I would have been an adult, it would have been a five, but since I am that six-year-old again the game is actually a 9/10.

The Bling Ring

I’m pretty sure this is the worst cold I have ever had in my life and it’s been going on for nearly two weeks. But it’s not all bad because I got to watch The Bling Ring. I had been looking forward to watching it for months so I was glad that I finally got to do so.

The movie is based on actual events that some teens did. The group of teens is extremely fame obsessed and they start to rob the homes of celebrities’ houses as a hobby.

This may not be worthy of a bunch of trophies but I think it makes a statement while it still manages to be a movie that you watch for fun. It deals with the relevant topic that is obsession in material things. What the movie portrays is a bit of every teens dream. To have money, fame and the feeling that you can do whatever you want. Since it’s a movie they show the extreme sides of this by making the characters rob the houses. So the movie is something you watch for fun, but what you can read out between the lines is actually quite intriguing.

But this is still the movie that is perfect to watch with a chocolate bar and a relaxed mood. The movie is slow at parts and I think it’s perfect to lighten up a rainy Sunday evening. The characters are stereotypical and the acting is not exactly academy award material. But it is fun and I really enjoyed watching it. The only disaster of the movie was the ending. I found it to be pretty horrible and that took down my score with a point. Otherwise this is a fun movie even though it’s not a comedy and the subtext makes a statement. 8 / 10

Rock of Ages

After having been out cold for over a week due to fever I decided to watch a musical to cheer myself up.  I have never really the girl who likes musicals but I thought it would be fun.  Rock of Ages is a musical that came out last year and the story is about a girl who tries to achieve her dreams as a singer.

This was pretty awful. I thought I would actually like the musical since it is rock, but it was all horrible. The plot was the never ending cliché of the extremely boring story we have seen so many times before. The covers they made were bad and the characters made me cringe.

This review will be really short, because I’m still pretty sick. But I honestly don’t really have anything else to say about the movie. But once again I am not the one who likes musicals so you might actually like the movie. 2 / 10

Now You See Me

Woho, I finally got to see this crime / mystery movie. It was released this year and even though I don’t really like crime movies this was great. I mainly decided to watch it because of the story and the visuals. I was not disappointed.

Amongst the cast there are many familiar faces, Morgan Freeman is the most famous one out of a few others. The story is about a group of magicians who rob a bank in front of a huge audience. Now it’s up to CIA to solve this strange phenomenon.

The visuals are great, the characters are all likable in one way or another, the plot has originality going for it and the acting is done well. Still it’s not a clear 10 / 10. This is because of the mystery part. I don’t really like movies where the viewer is supposed to solve the puzzle of the movie. It was done really well in this movie, but it is still not my style and towards the middle of the movie I just wanted for things to speed up.

Like many others (Life of Pi and Avatar) this is a movie that I think is partly worth seeing for the visual effects. The difference is that the movies I mentioned are extraordinary and Now You See Me is “just” a great ordinary movie. Still the plot is pretty special if you remove the puzzle solving bits. The problem was the ending. The movie kept building up tension and at the end I was kind of disappointed. I did not foresee the ending at all, but it still felt kind of plain to me. Tough I would say that this is a normal movie with extraordinary parts in it that makes the movie a must see. 8 / 10

Scary MoVie (5)

Here we have it…. How do I put this in a nice way? The epitome of s**t! I thought that the original scary movie was mildly entertaining. Now they have made five movies of this parody movie franchise and the V in MoVie represents the digit 5.

If anyone has missed it Scary Movie is all about making parodies of well known movies, originally just horror movies. But we see parodies of movies in other genres as well. So it is technical like ten movie parodies in one and the cast are this time familiar faces who play awful stereotypical characters.

I was surprised to see how many celebs that actually joined this movie. This must be some kind of record for the movie franchise. How do you judge the acting skills when the actors are supposed to play characters with poor acting abilities? Well it turns out to be an ocean of badness. As for the plot I must say that it was the worst thing I have seen so far and it was not even remotely funny.

There is one exception. The sex scene? If you can call it one? Well either was Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen brought the only slightly amusing moment of the film for the viewers to see. Let’s now pretend that you have seen the movie. You have pretty much lost all of your intelligence so you might as well stick around for the credits. Then you will get a several minute bloopers. They were a million times funnier than the move but they are in the credits so I won’t include it in my score. Therefore I think this will actually be one of the lowest ratings I have done in a while… 1 / 10 stars.

Sex scene? Or the weirdest gymnastic odd thing I have seen to an epic soundtrack? (The screen capture looks bad, I know, sorry about that.)

Sex scene? Or the weirdest gymnastic odd thing I have seen to an epic soundtrack? (The screen capture looks bad, I know, sorry about that.)

Top 3 Worst Movies of 2013

School has just started and I already have a cold. Because of that there has not been that much time of me to do anything so I decided to make a little post about the top 3 worst movies of 2013 so far. There is a special place for these movies in the future and it’s not in heaven… So do you agree or disagree and what are the worst movie you have seen this year?

3. After Earth.

I thought It would be this cool sci-fi movie, but an unbelievably poor plot and Jaden Smith with his bad acting as the main actor made this movie a flop in my mind.

2. Sharknado

The first time I watched it I must have been in a strange mood because I could laugh at how bad it was. Then I forced my friend to watch it with me recently and the second time around it was not so much fun anymore and the poor visuals were awful and not funny at all. Not to mention the horrible plot. It really is a must see because of how bad it actually is…

1. Apocalypse Earth

“The winner takes it all” Is what the ABBA song said. Well this winner does take it all because it is the first movie in months that I have actually turned of because it was so bad. I usually Finnish all kinds of bad movies but this one was so bad that I could not watch more than 15 minutes. Stay away people, stay away!


A horror book with a male protagonist that was released in June this year. We meet Parker who has not been able to sleep for years. How he is still alive is a mystery but he keeps getting weaker and it’s only a matter of time before he dies. Then he finds a way to sleep, but this leads to obsession on his part that is almost similar to a drug addiction. His thoughts blur his memory is failing him and soon enough he don’t know anything at all, or does he?

Confusing ,yes? Well there was a lot going on in the book so many twists and turns that before you could make your mind up on whether you liked or disliked the event a new one came up. The main character is really good and even though the others were okay too, none of them really stood out to me. There is so much going on in the book that it becomes overwhelming at times but in the end I liked the weirdness and how strange everything was. It stood out to me in mostly a positive way.

I found that the setting was really good as well. With so many things happening it was nice to have a solid realistic place that everything happened in. This book is really strange tan extremely unbelievable so I really liked that R.J Johansson kept a normal setting and didn’t throw in some even weirder things.  Tough this is an author I will keep my eyes on and I will be picking up the sequel when it comes out because Insomnia was a really unique book. 8 / 10